
October 28, 2019
很多人一辈子有两个追求:一个是有钱,一个是值钱。 有的人运气好,出生在富贵之家,一出生就像贾宝玉一样嘴里含着玉,有钱就不是问题。但有钱解决不了第二个问题,也就是你本人值不值钱的问题。 值钱是个人价值的体现,比如你去找一份工作,人家给你开出百万年薪,那就表明你很值钱...
俞敏洪:与其有钱,不如值钱! 俞敏洪:与其有钱,不如值钱! Reviewed by 浪子 on October 28, 2019 Rating: 5
Lazada Sellers' Guides and Winning Strategies Lazada Sellers' Guides and Winning Strategies Reviewed by 浪子 on October 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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Petronas Setel - Maximize Your Petrol Station Experience

Setel is Malaysia's first fuel e-payment solution. It  is a mobile payment solution from Petronas that allows you to pay for petrol w...

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