Riches in the Niche Market

August 31, 2020
A niche market is a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different...
Riches in the Niche Market Riches in the Niche Market Reviewed by 浪子 on August 31, 2020 Rating: 5

战胜未来 - 利基营销战略

July 31, 2020
“利基” 一词是英文 “Niche” 的音译。Niche 源自于法语。法国人是信奉天主教,在建造房屋时,常常会在外墙上凿出一个神龛,以供放圣母玛利亚。它虽然小,但边界清晰,因而后来被引来形容大众市场中的小市场。在英语里,Niche 还有另外一个意思,那就是悬崖上的石缝,人们在登山...
战胜未来 - 利基营销战略 战胜未来 - 利基营销战略 Reviewed by 浪子 on July 31, 2020 Rating: 5

商墓遗书 - 大时代中的商业定位

June 30, 2020
所谓定位,就是令你的企业和产品与众不同,形成核心竞争力;对客户而言, 即鲜明地建立品牌。 定位之父 杰克•特劳特 (Jack Trout) 商业中的 “定位” (Positioning) 概念,1972年,艾•里斯 (Al Ries) 与 杰克•特劳特 (Jack Trout) ...
商墓遗书 - 大时代中的商业定位 商墓遗书 - 大时代中的商业定位 Reviewed by 浪子 on June 30, 2020 Rating: 5

Business Model

May 31, 2020
A business model is a company's business plan for making a profit. It identifies the products or services the business will sell, the ta...
Business Model Business Model Reviewed by 浪子 on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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Petronas Setel - Maximize Your Petrol Station Experience

Setel is Malaysia's first fuel e-payment solution. It  is a mobile payment solution from Petronas that allows you to pay for petrol w...

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